Monday, May 17, 2010

Adolf Hitler- The Holocaust

As the Nazis were slowly gaining more poor the events that happened when Hitler was in control of Europe led to the WW2. The worst event that happened in World War 2 was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the killing of 6 million Jews also including disabled, Soviet Union prisoners, and etc that the Nazis didn't approve. Jews were sent to concentration camps, death camps, and ghettos were they were treated poorly. Many Jews didn't survive in the camps because of poor hygiene and diseases that other people were carrying. Hitler invaded all European countries to find and capture Jews and some were lucky if they were able to leave Europe. When Jews were captured they were forced to shave their heads, wear the Star of David, and be tattooed with numbers identifying themselves at the camps they were sent to. Hitler killed mostly Jews because he blamed them for Germany's economic problems. Which resulted to the population of Jews to decrease, Jews were forbidden and banned to do certain things, forced to work as a labor force, and etc.

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